1st Kick Off Celebration & Volunteer Appreciation Event at C-Fu Gourmet 10 members served on Governor Janet Napolitano’s Asian American Advisory Council Boeing became a corporate sponsor Jobing.com became a corporate partner SRP became a corporate sponsor Compass...


Became a designated “Certifying Organization” for President Obama’s Volunteer Service Award Waste Management became a corporate sponsor Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane attended the 1st Mentorship Graduation in Scottsdale 20 Mentors & Mentees graduated from...


Phoenix represented at the National Leadership Retreat in Philadelphia Hosted the first major Asian American Independent film (Red Door) screening in Phoenix -180 attendees Volunteers committed over 200+hours in community service 4 members served on the City of...


Helped ACEL Tucson launch their first event Interim officers were appointed in March Incorporated as a Non Profit with the State of Arizona in March Venture status granted by ACEL National in April Launch party at the Chinese Cultural Center in July Phoenix...