ACELence In Mentorship Program

A Journey in Collaborative Learning

No success story is ever written alone! We invite you to take part in this program; share your thoughts in a safe environment and discover how the ACELence In Mentorship Program is structured for each person’s growth.

Mentoring creates the opportunity for individuals to work with someone already successful in their field to take their professional and personal skills to the next level. Partnering with mentors, mentees quickly and easily reach their goals and improve their quality of life. Mentors find their own lives enriched as they pass on the legacy of their hard-earned wisdom and open possibilities to another.

• Develop a network of resources
• Gain fresh perspective from local, seasoned veterans
• Encouragement & support
• Self-reliance & self-confidence
• Professional development & tips to improve lifestyle
• Help ACEL members to increase visibility & credibility within the community

ACEL now offers you this great Member Benefit. You may download a full Mentorship Packet by clicking here.

If you are ready to take the journey, either as a mentor to share your experience or as a mentee to learn and grow, please click on the appropriate application below and submit the corresponding form:



All completed applications will be submitted to

ACEL Professional Chapter Membership is required to participate in the mentorship program;

FOR MENTEE: The $100.00 non-refundable application fee is required. Mentee applicant may process the application fee payment. Mentee Applications received without the required, non-refundable application fee & Membership will not be reviewed.

Professional Connections

Learn life skills,  find professional business advice from your peers, and meet great and interesting people. These are just some of the benefits of becoming a member.